Friday, March 28, 2014

3-28-14 Seattle Schools Community Forum

Seattle Schools Community Forum:

New York has the Most Segregated Schools in the Nation (and guess where it's the worst?)
In a devastating report from the Civil Rights Project at UCLA, New York State's Extreme School Segregation: Inequality, Inaction and a Damaged Future, the conclusion is that NY State has the segregated schools in the nation, both by race and poverty.  They looked at patterns from 1989 to 2010, both at the state and regional levels.From Education Writers Association: “The children who most depend o

Seattle Schools Updates/Good News
From SPS Communications:Ingraham High hosting Seattle Unified Soccer League kickoff Saturday On Saturday, March 29, Ingraham High School will host opening ceremonies to officially kick off the 2014 Unified Soccer Seattle season. Unified Soccer is an inclusive sports program for ages 8-21 that combines athletes (individuals with intellectual disabilities) and partners (those without intellectual di

Washington State Mudslide Victims
There are truly sad and tragic stories coming out about all the victims of the recent mudslide in Oso, near Darrington.  The youngest victim, a four-month old baby, was found yesterday.  She had been killed as well as her grandmother who was babysitting her.  They don't need any more volunteers to show up or need more clothing so probably the best way to help is through:Red Cross - call 1-800-RED
Seattle Schools and Technology
Someone asked a question in the Friday Open Thread about a Special Ed program and that led to SpedPTA president, Mary Griffin, to say this (and she calls it a rant alert and warning but really, it's a huge district-wide issue):I am not a fan of data sharing, but I am a fan of useful data collection and accessibility within the district. The district right now is suffering greatly from the lack of

Friday Open Thread

I have many threads to write - student surveys about teachers, Charter Commission meeting, Work Session on data privacy, transportation and athletics (all had very interesting parts).It appears that LEV has joined forces with the City for the universal pre-school initiative.  This is fine except that LEV has been tweeting that people should send e-mails to the Board, urging them to support early c

3-27-14 Seattle Schools Community Forum
Seattle Schools Community Forum: College Degrees and ROINot sure that ROI (return on investment) is really the best way to look at what college/university you pick but for some degrees, it could make a difference.  The Atlantic has a comparison.  Look at where UW is. It's important to be clear about what this study is telling us and what it's not telling us. The fact that the most valuable college