Sunday, March 23, 2014

3-23-14 @ THE CHALK FACE


An Urgent Call to Action for Massachusetts BATs and Their Colleagues
As the PARCC is about to be piloted in school districts across Massachusetts, news reports have been swirling. The major issue at hand? Whether parents have the right to “opt-out” their children from taking this assessment. A small number of districts have made headlines for “allowing” parents this choice, but could they really have said otherwise? […]

Of the thousands of slacktivists, we only have 1,756 signatures?
I know what you’re going to say: petitions don’t matter. I get it. But I’ve seen one of the most respected authors and activists around, Susan Ohanian, publish a new White House petition to “Direct the Department of Education and Congress to Remove Annual Standardized Testing Mandates of NCLB and RtTT.” Just this morning, I […]
Random thought to start the day, on #grit and instructional time
Katie Osgood once again waxes defiantly against the most ridiculous concept of “grit.” I suggest reading that. I want to support this with my own experience. It is one thing to ensure that all students are reading, or what have you, on the monolithic concept of “grade level,” which is in and of itself an […]
All Week 3-22-14 @ THE CHALK FACE
@ THE CHALK FACE : All Week @ THE CHALK FACE 46 States Tied to Common Core in 2009??In June 2009, the National Governors Association (NGA) held an education symposium in which NGA outlined its plans for American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (ARRA) money. Twenty-one governors attended; so did US Secretary of Education Arne Duncan. The following information is included a part of that June 2009 repo