Thursday, March 20, 2014

3-20-14 With A Brooklyn Accent Go BATs All Week

With A Brooklyn Accent:

How Hip Hop Crosses Cultural Boundaries: An Afternoon and Evening with the Bronx Berlin Connection

What an afternoon and evening yesterday with the young people from the Bronx-Berlin Connection and the great program organizers Olad Aden andFabian Farbeon Saucedo! It reminded me of the power of hip hop culture- and the arts, generally- to cross boundaries of language and national origin and unite young people across the globe. The day began with me giving a talk on the role of the Bronx as an in

3-18-14 With A Brooklyn Accent Go BATs All Week
With A Brooklyn Accent: The Other Wave of School Closings: How the Shutting of Catholic Schools in the Inner City Paved the Way for ChartersMany people have praised charter schools as providing a safe alternative for inner city families to public schools, implying they are creating something that never existed before. However, that is not exactly true. During the 1960's, 1970's, and 1980's, when i

FROM THE BAT CAVE Schoolhouse Live
Schoolhouse Live:  FROM THE BAT CAVEThe BATS (Baddass Teachers) are mad as hell and not going to take it anymore!  Formed last year, these feisty teachers are tired of district bureaucrats calling the shots. Mark Naison moderates.LIVE STREAM TUESDAY! 4:30 PST TEACHERS AND PARENTS WANT SAFE SCHOOLS, NOT iPADS!FOR MORE NPE PANEL DISCUSSIONS CLICKHERE!FROM OUR ARCHIVES: NOAM CHOMSKY ON THE PUBLIC GOO