Thursday, March 20, 2014

3-20-14 Fred Klonsky | Daily posts from a retired public school teacher

Fred Klonsky | Daily posts from a retired public school teacher who is just looking at the data.:


Vote stealing in the 26th district. How do I know?
How do I know there was vote stealing in the 26t State Representative District race in which incumbent and pension thief Christian Mitchell is leading Jay Travis by around 400 votes? Because 3rd Ward Alderman Pat Dowell said, “Jay Travis is a sore loser and a desperate losing candidate. Her accusations are preposterous. I respect the voting process and I would never do electioneering at the polli

IEA President Cinda Klickna tolerates no dissent. Her language turns ugly.
In the first communications to IEA members after the election, IEA President Cinda Klickna began her evaluation of our electoral efforts with an attack on the “naysayers (who) called our involvement in the primary’s ‘a fool errand’ and suggested it was a waste of time.” She referred to “those folks who root for our union to fail.” Who was she referring to? Certainly if she meant our political oppo

John Dillon. Good cops and bad: Rauner and Rimel.
- John Dillon publishes Pension Vocabulary where this piece was first posted. My email from Rebecca Rimel couldn’t have come at a worse time. Bruce Rauner had just won the nomination to run as the Republican gubernatorial candidate in Illinois, and the email from the CEO of the PEW Charitable Trust was just another back-handed indignity, albeit one delivered in far more delicately crafted verbiag
Jim Keating. Watchful waiting.
- Jim Keating writes about legislative matters for the newsletter of the Du Page Illinois Retired Teachers Association. All right, action was called for and action was taken. The IRTA and others have  filed law suits in the hope of getting the Illinois courts to overturn Senate Bill 1 because it clearly diminishes our pension benefits. This law suit will eventually make its way to the Illinois Su
3-19-14 Fred Klonsky | Daily posts from a retired public school teacher
Fred Klonsky | Daily posts from a retired public school teacher who is just looking at the data.: Ten minute drawing. Michael Madigan doesn’t want you to Fred Klonsky / 3min Movement politics won in Chicago yesterday.  Celebrating Will Guzzardi’s win at the Logan Square Auditorium last night. State Representative-elect Will Guzzardi made it the cornerstone of his acceptance speech last nig