Wednesday, March 12, 2014

3-12-14 Wait What?

Wait What?:

A snapshot into how the Malloy/Pryor political operation really works
The follow document reveals why Malloy’s new Common Core TASK FORCE is little more than a joke.  Malloy’s choice to co-chair the Task Force has is already a strong supporter of the Common Core, a point he was going to make clear Legislative testimony today.  But someone intervened in order and the new co-chair’s testimony […]The post A snapshot into how the Malloy/Pryor political operation really
Hey I know, let’s have a Taskforce!
Faced with growing opposition to the Common Core, the Common Core Smarter Balanced Testing scheme and the unfair and faulty teacher evaluation program, Governor Malloy held a press conference in late January 2014 to announce that he would push off the implementation of the teacher evaluation system until January 2015 (60 days after election day) […]The post Hey I know, let’s have a Taskforce! appe
3-10-14 Wait What?
Wait What?: Malloy full steam ahead on Common Core, Common Core Testing and “education reforms”Just over a month ago, Governor Malloy took the the microphone to announce his election year effort to persuade teachers, parents and public school advocates to overlook his three years of failed education policies and throw their support behind his re-election aspirations. In essence, Malloy said, “I he