Wednesday, March 12, 2014

3-12-14 Schools Matter All Week

Schools Matter:

Does the data support charters? Does the data support test-centered schooling?
Sent to the Wall Street Journal, March 12, 2014"Cuomo steps up for charters," (editorial, March 10) claims that New York charter school students outperform students in nearby traditional schools. But charters can often be very selective in who they admit, and can expell "problem" students. Were these factors included in the New York analysis? Despite their advantages, studies s

Keeping Corporate America White and Privileged
If you thought the SAT was just for keeping the riffraff out of Harvard and for keeping Brown white, then think again. The SAT is becoming a standard measure of high rolling job applications.As Stephen Colbert said last night, now with Wall Street asking for SAT scores from 30 years prior, you can be assured that one miserable day from 11th grade can determine the course of your entire life. So th

Using the Common Core Testing Delivery System to Label, Sort, Segregate

From WaPo:. . . .In New York for example, one of the first states to roll out the new curriculum, scores from Common Core tests dropped like a stone—and the achievement gaps dramatically widened. In 2012, prior to the Core’s implementation, the state reported a 12-point black/white achievement gap between average third-grade English Language Arts scores, and a 14-point gap in eighth-grade English
3-10-14 Schools Matter All Week
Schools Matter: Support Chicago Boycott of ISATSupport Chicago Teachers’ Test Boycott: Call and Sign PetitionChicago teachers, joined by parents and students, are boycotting the Illinois ISAT tests at several schools. The district is threatening teachers with loss of certification, and bullying and intimidating parents and students who have opted out or wish to opt out of the ISAT.They need your s