Wednesday, March 12, 2014

3-12-14 Fred Klonsky | Daily posts from a retired public school teacher

Fred Klonsky | Daily posts from a retired public school teacher who is just looking at the data.:

Rauner and Dillard are cut from the same piece of cloth. Union money goes to hate ads.
You can take the boy out of ALEC (for the moment) but you can’t take ALEC out of the boy. I was driving home yesterday and a radio ad comes on for Kirk Dillard. It’s all about how Rauner is a phony Republican. He’s pro-choice. Pro-gay marriage. Y’know. The ad was hitting all the right-wing red meat talking points. But it’s a Dilliard ad. The guy the IEA endorsed for Governor. When I got home I tri

My local race is about more than the racist Sun-Times headline.
Dan Mihalopoulos is a good reporter for the Chicago Sun-Times. His investigative reporting on UNO and charter schools has been great. And reporters don’t write their headlines. But the Sun-Times headline writer’s hipster versus Hispanic spin on the contest between Will Guzzardi and Toni Berrios is racist, tired and false. Yes, yes. We all know that Logan Square has baristas and hipster bars. But t

Election messages were more mixed than assorted nuts in a can of Planters.
Union election messages got more mixed yesterday than a assorted nuts in a can of Planters. Early in the day Crain’s Greg Hinz and Capitolfax’s Rich Miller reported that the state’s union leadership were folding up their Freedom Illinois Political Action Committee tent. The PAC had raised and spent over $3 million supporting Kirk Dillard’s campaign against Bruce Rauner. The implication that Hinz,

In New York, what happened to mayoral control of the schools?
I want an elected school board in Chicago. It is crazy that when I voted early in the current election (Watch out Machine Dems, by the way. I’m poll watching for Will Guzzardi next Tuesday) I could vote for who sits on the Water Reclamation District, but not for the members of the board of education. Chicago is the only school district in our state where we don’t get to elect our school board. Ne

3-11-14 Fred Klonsky | Daily posts from a retired public school teacher
Fred Klonsky | Daily posts from a retired public school teacher who is just looking at the data.: Classroom teachers will be heard.For years leaders of the American Federation of Teachers and the National Education Association have claimed that their members support Common Core State Standards. There never was much evidence provided for the claim. Yet they continued. At last year’s NEA Representat