Friday, February 21, 2014

V.A.M.: Value Added Measure: Selling the Common Core with More Caramel Coating?

V.A.M.: Value Added Measure: Selling the Common Core with More Caramel Coating?:

Selling the Common Core with More Caramel Coating?
It seems that the supporters of Common Core are beginning to understand that the standards have left a sour taste in many people's mouths.  It seems, using all the business acumen they have, they'll try to find a new way to sell it to the people, adding yet another layer of caramel coating to somehow win popular support. But what if no one really wants their product?  What if all their money and i
My Third-Grader, the Common Core and How It Came to This
Why would a third grader ask her mother to use the computer and assemble the above image?  The question is not an easy one to answer.  First, let me try to explain the picture above as I see it.  My third grader loves frogs.  In pre-K, her teacher sent a letter home, telling me that we all but had to adopt some class frogs given my daughter's level of interest.  (I had conveniently ignored the


The Terrible & Ugly Truth Behind The Common Core
Watch what happens when these young children receive their test results and overall scores for the newly implemented Common Core exam for 8th graders. Although their mothers could not be seen, they were overheard saying that Arne Duncan is indeed right, and they were lamenting the fact that failed in raising geniuses. When we reached out to Arne Duncan, for a response to this video, all his press
Arne Duncan Confronts His Many Critics
Listen to Arne Duncan's response to the question, by a reporter from the Libertarian Union Press, of whether or not he should bear the full responsibility of rolling out the poorly planned federal educational policy, known as the Common Core. He also addresses his demeaning comments about suburban, white mothers, as well as his vast ineptitude when running the Chicago public school system 
Sometimes, I wonder what would happen if we applied a new version of Danielson to the Ed. Deformers, or the politicians who help put them into power.  What would happen if we established stack ranking for all the ed. deformers with screwy ideas, detached from realities?  Imagine a website called  The first entry below examines some faults that parents, teachers, students and Am