Wednesday, February 26, 2014

UPDATE: solidaridad: The Impact of Proposition 209 and Our Duty to Our Students

solidaridad: The Impact of Proposition 209 and Our Duty to Our Students:

Attrition is yet another way privately managed charter schools game the system
So Steve Barr's proxy Bill Gaffney now claiming Barr had no role in Parent Trigger and Parent Revolution?
So @SteveBarrLA's proxy Bill Gaffney now claiming Barr had no role in #parenttrigger @parentrev? #LAUSD— PESJA Los Angeles (@PESJA_LA) February 26, 2014 He is either completely misinformed about his new masters, or lying. Don't just take my word for it, the Los Angeles Times has also documented what Barr did.

NAME Position Statement on Arizona's Anti-Gay Bill
February 25, 2014 -- The Board of Directors of the National Association for Multicultural Education (NAME) has just released the following position statement opposing the passage of Arizona's Anti-Gay Bill, and we encourage NAME members and other advocates for equity and civil rights to read, discuss, share, and act: NAME Position Statement on Arizona's Anti-Gay BillThe National Association for Mu

The Impact of Proposition 209 and Our Duty to Our Students

I'm so glad my university is finally taking a stand on the racist Proposition 209, and is thinking of ways to encourage diversity!

Office of the Chancellor
To the Campus Community:
Nearly two decades have passed since Californians voted to end affirmative action in admission to public colleges and universities. Today it is clear that we have suffered for it.
With each passing year, campuses all across our state — and, increasingly, as copycat laws are passed, the nation — fail to accurately reflect the growing diversity in our communities. Too often, many of our students of color feel isolated, as strangers in their own house. Others feel targeted, mocked or marginalized, rather than recognized and valued.
At UCLA, our students are bold, confident and among the sharpest anywhere. We are proud when they convey their thoughts, experiences and feelings — as they have done recently in several now-viral videos and by organizing town halls and rallies.
Anyone still unconvinced by the true impact of Proposition 209 need only listen to our students’ powerful first-hand accounts. Their words, of course, are much bigger than UCLA — and it’s not 

Noriko's Random Bits: The Schools Our Communities Deserve
Noriko's Random Bits: The Schools Our Communities Deserve: After a long day at school, I make my way to a local middle school where our district superintendent approved a co-location (more than one s...
Elect Lisa Karahalios AFT Vice President UTLA
Elect Lisa Karahalios AFT Vice President UTLA by Robert D. Skeels