Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Shame on you, Cami Anderson! | Bob Braun's Ledger

Shame on you, Cami Anderson! | Bob Braun's Ledger:

Shame on you, Cami Anderson!

State Sen. Ronald Rice and NJEA President Wendell Steinhauer confer at last night's school board meeting
State Sen. Ronald Rice and NJEA President Wendell Steinhauer confer at last night’s school board meeting
Cami Anderson,  Gov. Chris Christie’s appointee to run the Newark schools, is either afraid of, or contemptuous of, the people of Newark. She is imposing a hotly contested school closing plan on the city, selling off public school property to private entrepreneurs, and trying to fire a third of the school’s teachers. But she won’t appear in public to explain the reasons for actions that could change, even harm, the lives of thousands of people.  The state-appointed superintendent of Newark schools said she would no longer attend public school board meetings, although the law–to say nothing of common decency–requires her to do that. What breathtakingly shameful behavior.
She made the announcement less than two hours before the scheduled start of last night’s regularly scheduled board meeting at which she was expected to explain both the latest revisions to her controversial “One Newark” plan and her decision to seek approval from the state to lay off teachers without regard to tenure or seniority.
In an open letter signed the “Newark Public Schools,”  Anderson said she would no