Thursday, February 6, 2014

LISTEN TO DIANE RAVITCH 2-6-14 Diane Ravitch's blog | A site to discuss better education for all

Diane Ravitch's blog | A site to discuss better education for all:

The Battle for Newark, the Battle for Camden
Parents in Newark have rallied to save their schools from the hostile corporate takeover planned by the Chris Christie administration and (typically) given the deceptive name “One Newark.” Parents in equally beleaguered Camden, New Jersey, know that they are next in the line of fire. This post, by a Camden resident, expresses their fear, frustration, and outrage as the state lays the groundwork t

Bob Braun: Cami Anderson Must Resign!
Veteran journalist says you can debate the wisdom of many of Cami Anderson’s decisions. But her decision to keep Newark public schools open when all other nearby schools were closed due to extreme weather endangered the children. When you endanger children, you should not be in a position of responsibilty. Braun says Anderson must go. Anderson was appointed by the Christie Dministration three yea

Inquiring Reporter Wants to Know: Who Is Sponsoring Minneapolis Education Summit?
The Minneapolis Chamber of Commerce announced an “education summit” on February 8, featuring the ever-controversial Michelle Rhee (who canceled out of our debate at Lehigh University on February 6). The original sponsors, in addition to the Chamber, included Target, General Mills, and Thomson Reuters. But then something strange happened, as investigative journalist Sarah Lahm discovered. All the n
Jonathan Pelto: Connecticut Commissioner Stefan Pryor Must Go! (LINK ADDED!)
Jonathan Pelto, a close observer of politics and education in Connecticut, says that State Commissioner of Education Stefan Pryor must go. He is the leader of the privatization movement in the state, more devoted to charters than to public schools, which most children attend. Pryor’s management of the Connecticut Department of Education has become the personification of what happens when arrogance
Peter DeWitt: The Sad Truth about New York State
Peter DeWitt’s latest blog post strongly criticizes the leadership of New York state for ignoring the cries of parents and educators to stop the punitive policies. He begins: Where education is concerned in New York State, the past few years have been both painful and chaotic. It sounds crazy doesn’t it? How can ‘reform’ cause so much controversy, disruption and anger? Onlookers on the outside jus
Michigan: Another EAA Teacher Speaks Out About Failure of Snyder’s EAA
Over the past few days, I have posted some astonishing articles from Eclectablog, the Michigan blogger who has been following the story of Governor Rick Snyder’s misnamed “Education Achievement Authority.” This is a special district set up for low-performing schools from across the state. The governor’s plan is to continue expanding the EAA under the leadership of John Covington, a graduate of the
Republicans Champion the Charter School Movement
Rick Cohen of the Nonprofit Quarterly traces a clear pattern: The Republican party has embraced charter schools as their cause. Republicans have always favored school choice, assuming that competition makes all schools better. But they have never been able to persuade any electorate to endorse vouchers for private and religious schools. So, charters are now the darlings of Republican donors and ca
Refuse the Test!
Hi Diane, there is a new website in New York ( that I wanted to share with you. Below is the description from the “About page” of the refuseNY blog. If you like it, I hope you’ll consider sharing it. My wife and I created the site and launched it this past week. ABOUT RefuseNY is an accessible, concise introduction to the problems facing public education in New York as a result

LISTEN TO DIANE RAVITCH 2-5-14 Diane Ravitch's blog | A site to discuss better education for all
Diane Ravitch's blog | A site to discuss better education for all: Eclectablog: Michigan’s EAA Used Failed Technology for Neediest KidsEclectablog reports that the children in the so-called (and misnamed) Education Achievement Authority were used as guinea pigs for experimental technology.  Eclectablog writes: “In the course of reporting on the tragic situation in Michigan’s Education Achievement