Thursday, February 6, 2014

Ipad, Upad – redqueeninla

Ipad, Upad – redqueeninla:

Ipad, Upad

Written by redqueeninla in LAUSD


We’re all going for ipads here in LAUSD and who’s to say the technology gap isn’t in fact a hallmark of social injustice?  Putting an ipad in the hands of every kindergartener would seem to me to be a bit of window dressing for deeper, more serious issues of social inequality but it’s hard to know where to start in a circle of discontent and deprivation.
One place is to look at what isn’t getting done while implementing ipads instead.  A facebook page has started to document issues of repair and maintenance in our schools, unaddressed.  And a picture is worth a thousand words.  More times than I can count I have heard people intimate that at the end of the day, they just do not believe things are as physically decrepit as all that.  Always there is this sidelong implication that there is so much graft among public employees that really, it’s OK to decimate support staff for teachers … and our children.  Maybe they kinda sorta had it coming?  Or