Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Going Dark … but not out of the light

Going Dark … but not out of the light:

Going Dark … but not out of the light


When one writes in light, the expression “going dark” has real meaning. Since early 2012, I have been in the light, sorting through and sharing thousands and thousands of blogs, Tweets, FB sites, and correspondence from educators and those who believe the future of America requires free public comprehensive schools.
I believe in free education for all. I do not believe in schools for profit. I am dead-set against public tax dollars going to religions for inculcation. I abhor the takeover of our schools to push political ideologies. The awful idea that corporations can run schools is ludicrous. I believe that if democratically elected school boards are bypassed, or fail to function well, children are deprived of access to the American Dream.
I spent over 5 years researching and writing, Vital Lies: The Irrelevance Of Our Schools In The Information Age.  It is about where we are, how we got this way, and where we need to go. I have focused on the pulse of America and find that the so-called education reform movement does not represent the interests or the needs of students or our society. The primary drive that motivates “education reform” is access to the education tax dollars citizens pay. They are for profit, not for kids.
I’m taking a break and may be directing my time into another book – #12, histerical fiction, I’m thinking.  On Feb 7, Jo and I head to Mexico for three weeks in Nayarit and Jalisco. That will give me time to examine options. My