Sunday, February 16, 2014

All Week 2-16-14 @ THE CHALK FACE


Some thoughts on #edTPA: Guest Post by Celia Oyler
Celia made the these observations on Facebook in response to the article listed below that appeared in the Times Union. Student teachers in New York face daunting new exams The other fall out is that quite a few excellent beginning teachers are choosing NOT to get certified in the state of New York. Quite a […]

My March Speaking Schedule
How cool is it to be able to write such a post title? I have two events in March, both out-of-state (i.e., not in Louisiana). First, I will be a panelist at the first Network for Public Education Conference in Austin, Texas, on Saturday, March 1 and Sunday, March 2.  I am scheduled to be on a […]

#Edreform is Omni Consumer Products #robocop
I’m not too excited about the Robocop reboot. It seems like it lost the original’s wit, humor, and surprisingly serious commentary about a largely predicted dystopian future. All right, enough serious talk about a movie with a car called the 6000 SUX. Although, very close to what soon became a reality: the SUV. But in honor […]

All Week 2-15-14 @ THE CHALK FACE
@ THE CHALK FACE knows SCHOOLS MATTER: All Week @ THE CHALK FACE Living and Learning in Perpetual CrisisLiving and Learning in Perpetual Crisis* What do the fiscal cliff and Common Core (CC) have in common? For the answer consider this scenario: An arsonist sets a home on fire, and then risks his life fighting the blaze—but the house eventually succumbs to the flames. The media and the public prai
