Monday, February 10, 2014

2014 Common Core Legislation Round-Up | Truth in American Education

2014 Common Core Legislation Round-Up | Truth in American Education:

Truth in American Education

Common Core Premises, Standards and Assessments Put Children at Risk
This is a guest post by Joan Landes.  She’s a Clinical Mental Health Counselor licensed to assess, diagnose and treat mental health and relational dysfunctions in individuals, couples and families. She has worked in various settings including residential treatment centers, private and community agencies. She has taught in private, charter and home schools and writes on many subjects including poli
2014 Common Core Legislation Round-Up
Here’s the latest round of Common Core legislation that has been filed.  There’s too many to do individual articles so I wanted to get caught up and mention them in one article.  As a recap I’ll also mention bills I’ve already written about.  I’m sure I’m also missing legislation, my apologies if I miss your state.  Taking in Common Core news (and my inbox) is like drinking from a fire hose.  If I