Monday, February 3, 2014

2-3-14 Perdido Street School Week

Perdido Street School:

De Blasio On The Daily Show
Funny:Jon Stewart [hereafter “Jon”] opened the show with a few jokes about his notable guest: “The mayor, Bill de Blasio, is here apparently with a shovel.” Today’s storm, Jon adds, “has provided the mayor with a chance for some snow removal redemption.” [cut to: clip of Ch. 2 coverage of today’s snowstorm] Jon: “De Blasio got an earful from the tony East Side residents used to Mayor Bloomberg car

NYSUT President Iannuzzi Condemns "Sit And Stare" Education For Children Who Opt Out Of State Tests
Very important statement from NYSUT supporting the right of parents to opt their children out of state tests and not have those children punished by the districts or schools:ALBANY, N.Y. Feb. 3, 2014 - New York State United Teachers President Richard C. Iannuzzi today called on school districts to abandon educationally unsound and unconscionable policies that force students whose parents have deci

And In Christie Scandal News...
...some stories that made headlines today.First, this one: An attorney with close ties to Gov. Chris Christie's administration helped prepare an official who gave now-discredited testimony that lane closures at the George Washington Bridge were part of a traffic study, officials said.Philip Kwon, a top attorney at the Port Authority of New York and New Jersey, spent parts of four to five days help

Keep Dreaming, Sheriff Andy
Fred Dicker writes about a poll taken of Democratic voters in Florida:A new Quinnipiac University poll of Florida voters was anything but encouraging to Cuomo’s widely described interest in entering the 2016 presidential contest. The poll, released Friday, not surprisingly found Hillary Rodham Clinton the runaway favorite, at 64 percent, among Democrats asked to pick their favorite presidential co

Pete Donahue: LIRR Unions Ready To Strike
Pete Donahue's Daily News column in full: Hey, Gov, when would you like a Long Island Rail Road strike? In the spring or summer? How about the fall when voters are going to the polls? Unless Cuomo’s MTA demonstrates more flexibility and urgency in its dealings with a coalition of LIRR unions, and gets off its high horse a little bit, railroad commuters will endure the first strike since the gover
Super Bowl Fans Show Affection For New Jersey
Wonder if Christie will get blamed for this too:A record 27,000 people passed though the Secaucus Junction train station today, turning it into a virtual sauna and prompting shouts of “Jersey sucks” as football fans waited impatiently for trains to MetLife Stadium....The rush on the station left some waiting hours in sweltering heat. Fans reported seeing some people pass out. “New Jersey sucks,” s
2-2-14 Perdido Street School Week
Perdido Street School: David Wildstein Ruins Super Bowl Weekend For Chris ChristieEver since that the letter David Wildstein's lawyer sent to the Port Authority alleging that Christie had lied about the GWB lane closures made it into the news on Friday night, Chris Christie has been having a miserable time.First he had to sneak into Howard Stern's 60th birthday party on Friday so as not to have to