Friday, February 28, 2014

2-28-14 Ed Notes Online

Ed Notes Online:

Charter Wars: Community Charters Eva Rally, Support Mayor Alt Rally for Pre-K
A political play by anti-Eva charter faction? PLEASE MR. De B, CAN I HAVE SOME MORE RENT-FREE SPACE?I have mixed feelings about posting this charter propaganda piece, but I'll bite. They have termed themselves "community-based" charters. Someone else would have to check them out to see if they really are community-based. To me a community based charter would be formed by parents, teacher
Parents Call on Moskowitz and Charter Lobby to Use Ad Money to Pay Rent
The charter wars heat up even as de Blasio and Farina take a neutral stance. Yes, Virginia, the enormous charter lobby taking money away from the interests of children and using it to create a bigger share for their own pockets, may be working. Thus the need to continuously counter attack.See my posts yesterday, especially the misuse of PS 241 by Eva.Outrage Grows Over Eva Schools Allowed to Co-Lo

Outrage Grows Over Eva Schools Allowed to Co-Locate
It's no secret that the only reason this charter school was approved was because of political reasons by Chancellor Dennis Walcott to satisfy a powerful charter school operator. ...joint announcement by Councilmen Gentile, Greenfield and TraygorToday's announcement regarding the continuance of the charter co-locations at I.S. 96, Seth Low, and I.S. 281, Joseph B. Cavallaro, is a huge disappointmen
Breaking: Eva Moskowitz Violates Numerous DOE Safety and Other Regs by Calling Illegal Press Conference Inside PS 241
Success Academy parents were in attendance not because they chose to be there but because their children were held captive so that their parents would attend. Success Academy staffers greeted parents arriving to pick up their children (at 4:30) and directed parents into the school's auditorium telling them they could not pick up their children until after this meeting. Many parents were furious an
As a follow-up to my last post (Moskowitz, NY Post, Charter - er Chalkbeat Try to Reverse Mayoral Election)here is the update from Farina. Good news is Eva is gone from her downtown beachhead at Bergtraum. And watch the Post scream about this one which they, probably tipped off, have been doing for days over that credit recovery sham with attacks on de Blasio over keeping failed schools open. Not
Moskowitz, NY Post, Charter - er Chalkbeat Try to Reverse Mayoral Election
Can children be kicked out of schools that don't yet exist and have no student bodies yet? DOE reverses 9 out of 45 co-loco decisions. Too precious few for my taste. A"For the 35 proposals that will be implemented, we will host a meeting for each school community" ... Carmen Farina For what reason? I doubt anyone would have guessed that 35 out of 45 of these hastily pushed through co-lo
Teacher Union Support For Housing for TFA Scabs in Newark
...we shouldn't create construction jobs at the expense of unionized teacher jobs. ... Jersey Jazzman, July 2013One of our partners, the AFL-CIO’s Housing Investment Trust, or HIT, which is funded largely by building trades’ pension funds but also by educators’ pension funds, has helped create affordable housing for teachers. Through its subsidiary, Building America, HIT is moving forward on plans
2-27-14 Ed Notes Online
Ed Notes Online: "Dear Randi" From a Newark Teacher...your generosity in donating AFT funds to the Teacher Village being built to house Teach for America novices in Newark could not have come at a better time.... Newark teacher to AFT President Randi Weingarten (satire alert)While TFA scabs live in subsidized government housing, real teachers will go into foreclosures.... Teacher in Newa