Wednesday, February 26, 2014

2-26-14 Wait What?

Wait What?:

Capital Prep Steve Perry’s Lies Get National Coverage – Again!
In a blog entitled, “Steve Perry’s School Scores Below Hartford Public Schools,” Diane Ravitch, country’s leading national public education advocate provided her tens of thousands of readers with even more news about Capital Prep Principal Steve Perry’s antics. Diane Ravitch writes: It is a strange world we live in, when schools are compelled to compete […]The post Capital Prep Steve Perry’s Lies

Connecticut parents – Don’t let them lie to you on opting your children out of the Standardized Testing frenzy
Last December, Governor Malloy’s Commissioner of Education Stefan Pryor sent Connecticut’s public school superintendents a memo on how to mislead and lie to parents in a coordinated effort to persuade parents that they do not have the right to opt their children out of Connecticut’s standardized tests including the new Common Core Smarter Balanced Assessment […]The post Connecticut parents – Don’t
The sickness that has crept into Connecticut politics and government (Part II)
Last week, there was a Wait, What? blog post was entitled, “The sickness that has crept into Connecticut politics and government.” The blog post was an effort to highlight another “MUST READ” commentary piece that fellow public education advocate and blogger, Sarah Darer Littman wrote for the opinion section of CT Newsjunkie.  Her piece was […]The post The sickness that has crept into Connecticut

2-25-14 Wait What?
Wait What?: Mayor Segarra and Matt Poland lead 6-2 vote to give TFA $650,000There will be 210 fewer job openings in the Hartford School System for Connecticut residents thanks to Hartford Mayor Pedro Segarra, Matt Poland and their allies on the Hartford Board of Education. While hundreds of qualified, certified Connecticut teachers are unemployed and hundreds of additional Connecticut residents wi