Monday, February 24, 2014

2-24-14 The Answer Sheeteet

The Answer Sheet:

Class size matters a lot, research shows
Every now and then someone in education policy (Arne Duncan) or education philanthropy (Bill Gates) or the media (Malcolm Gladwell) will say something about why class size isn’t really very important because a great teacher can handle a boatload of kids. Not really. A new review of the major research that has been conducted on class […]    
One way to help solve America’s major curriculum problem
Common Core State Standards, accountability, benchmarks, teacher quality, evaluation, test design and uses, value-added measurement, Race to the Top, international comparisons — all of these are at the center of fierce debates in the education world. Marion Brady argues in this post that they are all sideshows to the real problem in American schools — […]    
2-23-14 The Answer Sheet
The Answer Sheet: Why test-based school reform isn’t working — by the numbersAward-winning Prinicipal Carol Burris of South Side High School in New York has been exposing the problems with New York’s botched school reform effort for a long time on this blog. (You can read some of her work here, here, here,  here, and here.) In the following post she looks at irrefutable data to show that the test-