Friday, February 21, 2014

2-21-14 Wait What?

Wait What?:

Connecticut Pumps Millions into Google Books But….
Once again, Diane Ravitch, the nation’s leading public education advocate has honored me by re-posting one of my Wait, What? blog posts. This one about Governor Malloy’s decision to put $25  million more on the state credit card to buy computers for the absurd Common Core Smarter Balanced Assessment Testing extravaganza. Ravitch says; Jonathan Pelto […]The post Connecticut Pumps Millions into Goog
WNPR’s John Dankosky to host panel with real educators – Liz Natale and Ebony Murphy-Root
WNPR’s John Dankosky to host panel with hero teachers Liz Natale and Ebony Murphy-Root “Three things cannot be long hidden: the sun, the moon, and the truth.” – Buddha Stefan Pryor and the corporate education reform industry should be worried because teacher’s voices will finally be heard when WNPR’s Where We Live will record and then […]The post WNPR’s John Dankosky to host panel with real educat

2-20-14 Wait What?
Wait What?: No real financial support for public schools, but plenty more for charter schools (especially Bridgeport)When Dan Malloy was running for governor he pledged to make adequate funding for Connecticut’s public schools a priority. Instead Malloy introduced the most anti-teacher, anti-union, anti-public education corporate education reform industry initiative of any Democratic governor in t