Friday, February 21, 2014

2-21-14 Perdido Street School

Perdido Street School:

The New Teacher Project Attacks The Unions For Pulling Back On Common Core
New Teacher Project leader Tim Daly wrote the following on his official TNTP blog today in response to NEA President Van Roekel calling for a "course correction" on Common Core: Change is hard – but this has almost nothing to do with “botched” implementation. Or standards. “Implementation” is a catch-all complaint that union leaders have often—and successfully—used to extract themselves

Andrew Cuomo's Common Core Panel Shills For The Common Core

Governor Andrew Cuomo may have tried to distance himself from the state education reform agenda yesterday when faced with parents protesting the Common Core outside a budget hearing, but the panel he named to look into Common Core implementation in NY State sure sounds like it's still fully on board with the state reform agenda:ALBANY—At the top of the agenda for Andrew Cuomo's expert panel on Com
2-20-14 Perdido Street School
Perdido Street School: Cuomo's Pre-K Plan Won't Work The Way Cuomo Says It WillJessica Bakeman at Capital NY:ALBANY—Andrew Cuomo has all but won the battle with Mayor Bill de Blasio over how to pay for pre-kindergarten in New York, but experts say the governor's plan won't provide enough money to serve every child in the state. Researchers estimate it will run anywhere from $10,000 to $13,000 per