Saturday, February 15, 2014

2-15-14 empathyeducates All Week



Florida’s Race-Based Academic Goals Prompt Protest Petition
The Florida Board of Education set different proficiency goals for different racial groups. (Palm Beach Post file photo) By Leslie Postal | The Orlando Sentinel. February 14, 2014 Florida’s race-based academic goals prompted controversy when they were adopted in 2012 — and now have sparked an online […]
SPLC Files Complaint with DOJ over Florida’s Race-Based Education Goals
The Florida state Board of Education passed a controversial plan to set reading and math goals based upon race. (Photo credit should read Frank Perry/AFP/GettyImages) By Lauren Roth | Originally Published at The Orlando Sentinel. August 2, 2013 The Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC) on Friday filed […]

FEB 12

“Treating People with Fundamentally Unequal Backgrounds as Superficially the Same”
Base Photograph; AP Photo | Wisconsin State Journal/John Hart By Paul L. Thomas, Ed.D. | Originally Published The Becoming Radical. February 12, 2014 “Work hard. Be nice.” is the tag-line of Knowledge Is Power Program (KIPP) charter schools, schools that serve primarily (and often exclusively) high-poverty minority […]
N.J. Education Chief to Resign for Greener Pastures
Another New Jersey official resigns and no, there is no scandal. Indeed, from those who report on New Jersey education policy there is much praise for his endeavors. Nonetheless, signs still exist; for Chris Christie appointees it is profits before people, greener pastures over the good of […]

FEB 08

4 Education Overhauls to Watch for in 2014
By Owen Davis | Originally Published at Salon. AlterNet. February 4, 2014 8:30 AM For people looking to “disrupt” public education, it’s become requisite to bemoan the “educational status quo” — a phrase meant to evoke images of poor kids striving against the impediments of failing schools […]
When Is School Reform Not Enough?
Illustration; Copyright Bob Cahm By Ann Evans de Bernard | Originally Published at Education Week. February 3, 2014 | Published in Print: February 5, 2014, as When Is School Reform Not Reform? My state of Connecticut, like many others across the country, has received much attention lately […]

FEB 07

Politics is Local – It Begins with the People!
Former House Speaker Tip O’Neil is famous for coining the axiom, “All politics is local.” It begins with the people. Yes, this is true, but the contrast is also apparent. In recent years, big money flooded into our elections. It changed the dynamic. The will to fight […]