Friday, February 14, 2014

2-14-14 Perdido Street School

Perdido Street School:

De Blasio Has His Work Cut Out For Him
Everywhere I went today, I kept hearing variations on the same theme:De Blasio is an idiot.Heard it at Starbucks, heard it on the train, heard it in the elevator in my building, heard it at work - de Blasio is in over his head, we miss Bloomberg.In the past, I might have defended Mayor de Blasio and pointed out Bloomberg's past foibles, including the "Go See A Broadway Show" debacle from

What The UFT Should Do Over Snow Day Debacle
James Eterno at ICEUFT blog has a great idea:What are the UFT and other school worker unions going to do about making us whole?What the unions should be demanding now is that people who made it in should be given an extra day in their sick banks and those who stayed out should not have a day deducted from their sick banks for missing school.Alas, I doubt very much the UFT leadership will make thes

Here's Hoping The Snow Debacle Is Not An Indication Of The Future Direction At Tweed
I bet Carmen Farina's wishing she stayed retired right about now- here's how the Daily News framed yesterday's "It's A Beautiful Day!" debacle: Ten inches of snow. School buses colliding with cars. Half empty schools. “It’s absolutely a beautiful day out there,” beamed New York Schools Chancellor Carmen FariƱa. The clueless chancellor added insult to inclement weather with that head-scr

Sheriff Andy Smiling Today

After de Blasio's self-inflicted school closure mess, Sheriff Andy is smiling wide:Gov. Cuomo on Thursday said  Mayor de Blasio’s city-centered plans for prekindergarten will not pass muster with state lawmakers. Cuomo, during a conference to update reporters on storm conditions, used some of his strongest language to date to criticize the mayor’s Pre-K proposals and predicted it would not win app

2-13-14 Perdido Street School
Perdido Street School: Craig Allen: Worst Of The Snow To Come, No Time To "Play A Hero"Just heard Craig Allen on WCBS 880 that the worst of the storm is yet to come, we will be getting heavy bands of snow through late morning or early afternoon before the rain line finally hits the city.He actually said this is no time to play a hero just because a boss, like the NYC school system, wants