Saturday, February 1, 2014

2-1-14 empathyeducates All Week



SOTU 2014: Orwellian Educational Change under Obama Continues
By Paul L. Thomas, Ed.D. | Originally Published at The Becoming Radical. January 29, 2014 Orwellian Educational Change under Obama: Crisis Discourse, Utopian Expectations, and Accountability Failures [pdf] | By Paul L. Thomas, Furman University “It is rather the same thing that is happening to the English […]

The “Grit” Narrative, “Grit” Research, and Codes that Blind
By Paul L. Thomas, Ed.D. | Originally Published at The Becoming Radical. January 30, 2014 The answer to Grant Lichtman’s Does “Grit” Need Deeper Discussion? appears to be an unequivocal yes—based on the exchange in the blog post comments, the Twitter conversations, and comments at my blogs […]
A Grandmother’s Plea For Justice – Education is a Human Right
Irene Robinson (left) waits with granddaughter Akilra Roberts for the bus. Because the bus only runs at the beginning and end of the regular school day, Akilra has trouble getting home from after-school activities. (Armando L. Sanchez / Hechinger Report) On education people preach. Everyone acknowledges that […]

JAN 30

Senate Committee Passes Bill Giving Schools Boards a Say in School Closings
Photograph; Sen. Ron Rice is sponsoring a bill that would require local school boards to approve the closing of a public school. The bill was prompted by the Newark school reorganization plan. (File Photo) By Peggy McGlone/The Star-Ledger | Email the author | Follow on Twitter | […]
Charter School Network Launches New Teacher Recruitment Program
When is a teacher not a teacher? In 2014, this question is a just one. Ask yourself if you agree, a qualified teacher is a student in training, or might it be that “A year of taking classes two days a week while assuming full-time, school-based responsibilities […]

JAN 29

Extending the School Day Is a Lot Harder Than It Seems
Photograph; Second graders at Patrick Henry Elementary School follow along to an exercise video during indoor recess. Recess was made mandatory in Chicago elementary schools when the school day was lengthened in 2012. (Armando L. Sanchez / Hechinger Report) By Sara Neufeld | Originally Published at The […]

JAN 28

Major Changes To School Report Card Proposed, Including Closing Poorly Performing Schools
Photograph; Schenk Elementary School fourth-grader Meadow Corfits solves a math problem on her classroom’s chalkboard in this September 2013 file photo. By MATTHEW DeFOUR and MOLLY BECK | Originally Published at Wisconsin State Journal. January 28, 2014 Wisconsin’s lowest-performing public schools would be forced to close or […]
Ahead of State of The Union, Advocates Wonder Whether Obama Forgot Public Schools
Secretary of Education Arne Duncan rides the bus with Columbus Elementary students to the Mexico-U.S. border in Columbus, N.M. on Sept. 10, 2013. | The Washington Post via Getty Images By Joy Resmovits| Originally Published at Huffington Post. January 27, 2014 President Barack Obama is widely expected […]
Minority Kids Disproportionately Impacted By Zero-Tolerance Laws
Photograph; Kyle Thompson, 15, of Farmington, Michigan was arrested and kicked out of school after a tug-of-war with a teacher over a note.By Halimah Abdullah | Originally Published at Cable News Network [CNN]. Saturday, January 25, 2014 (CNN) — A year ago, Kyle Thompson was a soft-spoken, […]

JAN 27

If Fewer or No Tests, Then What?
By Paul L. Thomas, Ed.D. | Originally Published at The Becoming Radical. January 25, 2014 When I responded to Students Should Be Tested More, Not Less by Jessica Lahey and the related target=new href=>study by Henry L. Roediger III and Jeffrey D. Karpicke, in the blog post […]

JAN 25

State Chiefs to Arne Duncan: We Won’t Share Student Data
Graphic by Betsy L. Angert | AngertAesthetics By Catherine Gewertz | Originally Published at