Thursday, January 30, 2014

The Shriver Report – Why Are American Moms Maxed Out and on the Brink?

The Shriver Report – Why Are American Moms Maxed Out and on the Brink?:

Why Are American Moms Maxed Out and on the Brink?
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From the outside, it appeared that Katrina Alcorn was “doing it all.” She had three healthy kids, a loving husband and a growing career. Then one day in 2009 while driving to Target to buy diapers, it all came to a crashing halt when she had a breakdown.
As she battled her way through crippling depression and tried to heal, she wondered how other women – many others with less supportive bosses, less engaged spouses and lower paychecks – were managing it. As she began talking to other women and listened to their stories of migraines, depression and anxiety, she realized they weren’t. Like her, many were just hanging on by a loose thread.
She penned her book, Maxed Out: American Moms on the Brink, to not only share her story and show other women that they aren’t alone, but also to break open the conversation about the dysfunction breeding in the lives of working women as they struggle to juggle care and career.
I caught up with Katrina to find out about her own struggle to try to do it all, what changes she thinks would help women find balance, and what she hopes will come from sharing her own personal story.
TSR: The way I came upon this book was actually through another working mom friend who passed along the article of the blog that was in The New York Times, and she said the constant refrain of working moms is, “I’m sorry, I’m sorry, I’m sorry.” Honestly, when I read it I started to get choked up because I was like, “This is exactly how I feel all the time.” Can you just take me through what really prompted you to write this book?
Alcorn: Sure. Originally it came out of crisis. I had this perfect life on 
She Shares Conversation with Maria Shriver LIVE! WATCH IT HERE!
  On Thursday, January 30, Maria will be the featured guest at She Shares, a conversation series featuring trailblazing women who have made a difference in California and beyond. Presented by the Dewey Square Group and moderated by DSG’s Karen Breslau, the conversation will be held in Sacramento at the California Museum and will be available as well by live stream, from 12:30 pm -1:30 pm PDT.  Ma
“Never Worry Alone” and Other Tips to Pushing Back from the Brink
Credit: © denebola_h – Marie Forleo is a business and life coach with a mission to help you realize your greatest potential and use your unique talents to change the world.  Marie has helped a number of women push back from the brink through her online business school for modern entrepreneurs, known as B-school.  Her energy is contagious, her passion is palpable, and she shared some of