Saturday, January 4, 2014

The Curse of Paul Vallas: the Boomerang of Personal Greed | Reclaim Reform

The Curse of Paul Vallas: the Boomerang of Personal Greed | Reclaim Reform:

The Curse of Paul Vallas: the Boomerang of Personal Greed

What is Paul Vallas up to? Personal greed and total disregard of the public good – as usual.
The candidate for Illinois lieutenant governor as endorsed by Gov. Pat Quinn (D) after resigning in haste and controversy from being Connecticut’s Commissioner of Education has demonstrated a level of personal greed and arrogance that is typical – typical for a man who has crippled and/or destroyed the school districts in Chicago, Philadelphia, Louisiana, Haiti and Connecticut.
Vallas insists on high stakes testing and accountability for children, teachers, schools, districts – everybody except himself. This is hypocrisy for personal profit.
Read HERE for more details.
Vallas - Duncan CPS
Jonathan Pelto details Vallas’ latest rip-off attempt in his excellent blog HERE.
“Vallas has managed to come up with one last absolutely unbelievable insult to the taxpayers of Bridgeport and Connecticut.”
It seems that Vallas merely kinda-sorta resigned and now wants to hit-up taxpayers for more money for himself. Boomerang $$$$$$$$. Taxpayer $$$$$$$$$ for himself -as advised by his lawyers and his own personal insatiable avarice. Of course he has spent his entire public life collecting his