Wednesday, January 15, 2014

UPDATE: The Beginning Of An End To Sanction-Driven Education? | National Opportunity to Learn Campaign | Education Reform for Equity and Opportunity

The Beginning Of An End To Sanction-Driven Education? | National Opportunity to Learn Campaign | Education Reform for Equity and Opportunity:

Better Than a New Year's Card... Video Recap of the National Day of Action!
We would have wished you a Happy New Year earlier, but we wanted to wait until we could show you this new video recap of the National Day of Action to Reclaim the Promise of Public Education. We would have wished you a Happy New Year earlier, but we wanted to wait until we could show you this new video. It’s a compilation of the highlights from December’s National Day of Action, when

The Beginning Of An End To Sanction-Driven Education?

Posted on: Wednesday January 15th, 2014
Jeff Bryant, Education Opportunity Network
Last week, the Obama administration took an important step for the well-being of the nation’s youth – especially those who are of racial minorities – by issuing new guidelines that many hope will shut down what has come to be known as “the school-to-prison pipeline.”
This action – welcome, for sure – constitutes a beginning to what should be a major shift in education policies across the board.
First, about the guidelines …
“Leaders of the U.S. departments of Education and Justice,” Education Week reported, “issued new guidance on how school leaders can ensure that discipline policies are drafted and applied in a manner that does not discriminate against racial or ethnic groups.”
What the new guidelines do, the reporters explained, is make it a violation of the Civil Rights Act for schools to “draft policies that unfairly target specific student groups in word or in application.”
The new guidance addresses “what’s known as the ‘school-to-prison pipeline,’ the term critics use for policies that they say result in unnecessary and inappropriate referrals from schools to the criminal 

Budget Cuts Harm Students' College Prospects
Due to budget cuts, Philadelphia students face a two-week wait for an appointment with their school counselor to talk about college applications.  Here's a case in point why fair school funding is so crucial to improving our nation's education system:  read more
Jan. 14: No More Excuses Rally in Albany
Parents, students, teachers and advocates from across New York State will rally in Albany to demand fair school funding and universal pre-k. Follow #NoMoreExcuses on Twitter for updates! The Alliance for Quality Education and Citizen Action NY will be hosting a rally in Albany, NY, on Jan. 14. "No More Excuses, Educate Every Student" will bring together students, parents, te

JAN 10

Better Education, Better Health, Longer Lives
A new brief (and video!) from the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation shows why better educational opportunities lead to better health and longer lives. If you needed one more reason to support quality education for every child, look no further than the fact that since the 1990s, life expectancy has fallen for people without a high school education. read more
Education: It Matters More to Health than Ever Before
Publication Date:  Fri, 2014-01-10 Organization:  Virginia Commonwealth University Center on Society and Health & the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation Type:  Report Category:  Early Care and Education Education: It Matters More to Health than Ever Before Americans with fewer years of education have poorer health and shorter lives, and that has never been