Thursday, January 9, 2014

teacherken at Daily Kos 1-9-14: Nick Kristof offers Progress in the War on Poverty

Daily Kos: Nick Kristof offers Progress in the War on Poverty:

Nick Kristof offers Progress in the War on Poverty
in this NY Times column in which he lays out the successes of the effort over the past 50 years, with links galore to support his argument that it has been a success. As he notes: The most accurate measures, using Census Bureau figures that take account of benefits, suggest that poverty rates have fallen by more than one-third since 1968. There’s a consensus that without the war on poverty, other
Gail Collins weighs in on Chris Christie
for once I am NOT going to offer a lot of words of my own. The column, titledBridge Over Troubled Politics, speaks for itself. Here is the conclusion: Republicans around the nation are going to be brought up short by an idea of a plot to screw up our constitutional right to drive to work. Among the great political divides in this country is mass transit versus cars, and Republicans tend to be rath

teacherken at Daily Kos 1-7-14: : Putting students at risk for testing?
Daily Kos: Putting students at risk for testing?:  Putting students at risk for testing?The weather in the Washington DC Metro area is dangerous this morning - temperatures at best in the single digits, with the wind having wind chills below zero. If you check the list of school closings, in Virginia the vast majority of the school systems are closed, with several (notably Arlington and Alexandria