Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Some 'choice'. - Integrity in Education

Some 'choice'. - Integrity in Education:

Some ‘choice’.

Our Executive Director, Sabrina Stevens, weighed in after New Jersey Governor Chris Christie’s State of the State Address this afternoon:
“As a graduate of the New Jersey public school system, I’m grateful to the teachers and community who supported me and my classmates. It pains me to watch Governor Christie destroy the state’s public schools.
“By cutting funds to public education while simultaneously expanding privately run charter schools, Governor Christie is accelerating the development of a two-tiered education system. For schools in Newark and Camden, Governor Christie’s reckless policies are ensuring that communities will be forced to “choose” between underfunded, overburdened public schools, or increasingly unregulated, scandal-prone charter schools. Some choice.
“Shutting down public schools and handing them over to private organizations is not a ‘turnaround,’ it is a heist. Creating a two-tiered education system is not fostering an ‘attitude of choice,’ it is stealing from the public, particularly the neediest children who will be left behind as privatized schools, not families, make the ultimate choice of whether to educate the toughest-to-teach kids, or to push them out in favor of those with higher test scores.”
Release: Integrity in Education Calls on Department of Education to Disclose Associations with Profit-Driven Groups
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: January 14, 2014 CONTACT: Alec Saslow: Alec@FitzGibbonmedia.com, (720) 319-4948 New Organization Calls on Department of Education to Disclose Associations with Profit-Driven Groups Integrity in Education Launches to Shift Education Debate in America and Oppose Corporate Front Groups Led by Rhee, Bush and Others WASHINGTON, DC – Integrity in Education, a new education advocac