Friday, January 17, 2014

Seattle Education Meetup on Student Privacy and House Bill 2133 | Seattle Education

Seattle Education Meetup on Student Privacy and House Bill 2133 | Seattle Education:

Seattle Education Meetup on Student Privacy and House Bill 2133

meetupOur first Meetup was a success with our guest, the newly elected School Board Director Sue Peters. We were also fortunate to have with us at the Meetup two previous board members Amy Hagopian and Sally Soriano.
It was a great discussion and we learned more about the history of our district and how the school board works along with Sue’s priorities as a new School Board Director.
The next Meetup will feature Seattle Schools Community Forum contributor Melissa Westbrook. The main topic will be on student privacy and House Bill 2133, “Maintaining privacy of student educational records”, that was dropped last week and will receive a hearing on Wednesday, January 15th.
Please join us for information and discussion on this topic.
Melissa is also well-informed about many other issues that affect Seattle Public Schools and you are invited to ask questions on other topics as well.
Friday, January 17, 2014
Noon to 1:00 PM
Couth Buzzard Books is located at 8310 Greenwood Avenue North in the Phinney Ridge neighborhood and serves a light lunch as well as hot and cold beverages.
If you have any questions, please add them to the comment section of this post.
Dora Taylor