Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Pro-Public Education? Pro-Teacher? Anti-High Stakes Testing? Huh? | Reclaim Reform

Pro-Public Education? Pro-Teacher? Anti-High Stakes Testing? Huh? | Reclaim Reform:

Pro-Public Education? Pro-Teacher? Anti-High Stakes Testing? Huh?

How can quality public education for all be a solid part of our children’s lives? How can qualified career teachers find support and respect? How can insanely expensive and corporately profitable charters and high stakes testing be abolished? How can the rash of public school closings be ended? How can the bizarre sale of the public good for financial and political gain be eliminated?
Unfortunately, in state after state – including yours – choosing the political hack in either party no longer means anything. In Illinois for example:
Rauner candidate
Quinn candidate
Rauner logic
Quinn candidate2
Well, what about the other Republican and Democratic candidates for governor?