Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Ms. Jablonski's Class Blog 1-21-14

Ms. Jablonski's Class Blog:

Citizens United
     Four years ago today, in the Citizens United v. Federal Election Commission case,  the U.S. Supreme Court  held that the First Amendment prohibits the government from restricting political independent expenditures for corporations, associations, or labor unions. In the most recent election following the ruling, President Obama spent a record-high amount on his presidential campaign. Unsurpris

Former Virginia Governor and Wife Indicted
     Former Virginia governor Bob McDonnell and wife have been indicted by a federal grand jury for accepting an estimated $140,000 in loans and gifts in exchange for the ex-governor to promote dietary supplements. McDonnell is accused of lying on loan applications by failing to report money donated by Jonnie Williams Sr., the chief executive of Star Scientific, a dietary supplement company. Mrs.
Ms. Jablonski's Class Blog 1-20-14
Ms. Jablonski's Class Blog: The Future of GlassholesBy now, most of us have heard of Google’s latest endeavor to give us what we…may or may not need: smart glasses. These futuristic ‘Google Glasses’ allow users to access a world of holographic information, making it possible to use the internet (and more) without having to drag out those cumbersome smartphones. Though critics have been quick to po