Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Update: Mike Klonsky's SmallTalk Blog: Pension wars and Moore + Another Duncan Doughnut

Mike Klonsky's SmallTalk Blog: Pension wars and Moore:

Another Duncan Doughnut
"Teachers in America often come from the bottom of the academic barrel..." -- Arne DuncanYes, he really said it, and despite his inevitable pull-back once his handlers get hold of him, he really means it. This Harvard jock, who never taught a day in his life, can't open his mouth, it seams without demeaning teachers (or white suburban moms for that matter).I'm not sure what the "aca

Pension wars and Moore

Puerto Rican teachers strike: "No somos criminales, somos maestros." "We're not criminals."
The attacks on public worker pensions, especially teachers' pensions, has become a centerpiece of corporate reform strategy aimed at degrading the teaching profession, eroding public space and undermining union contracts. It's a response to the growing public-sector debt crisis that avoids taxing the corporate sector and puts the entire burden on the retired (or soon to be retired) public sector workers. But with it has come with growing resistance across the country and now in Puerto Rico. Since December 19, members of Puerto Rico's teachers union and their supporters have been protesting both inside the island's Senate chamber and outside its Capitol, including a 2-day strike, against the so-called "pension reform" legislation advocated by governor Alejandro Garcia Padilla.

Look who's defending Rauner

No surprise here. It's the Trib's Eric Zorn. He identifies with the Republican billionaire's clout problems.
I didn't have to play that game with my elder son,