Wednesday, January 8, 2014

[Insert Stock Messaging Here] | EduShyster

[Insert Stock Messaging Here] | EduShyster:

[Insert Stock Messaging Here]

 What kind of stock are New York education officials selling?
By Sue Altman, EduShyster Academy
I’m usually a big typo apologist—except when it comes to scripted agendas issued by the New York State Education Department.  I’ve CC’d the wrong people, attached the wrong drafts, and once, accidentally submitted a group paper in business school entitled, “Marketing Total BS, Group 21.doc.” So I’m willing to forgive mistakes, except when they offer priceless insight into what’s really going on at the New York State Education Department, the epicenter of BS marketing in New York. This week, EngageNY posted an agenda for a parent workshopEmbedded in a script designed for superintendents and districts to “educate” their communities about the Common Core implementation there is a very insightful line, an artifact from an earlier draft: