Thursday, January 30, 2014

Education Revelation and President Obama’s State of the Union Address | Reclaim Reform

Education Revelation and President Obama’s State of the Union Address | Reclaim Reform:

Education Revelation and President Obama’s State of the Union Address

BURST OF LIGHT! A sudden jolt of revelation struck at the precise moment that I watched President Obama’s State of the Union Address. “Today in America. Teacher. Extra time. Student. Graduation rate. Highest levels.”
“Mr. Speaker, Mr. Vice President, members of Congress, my fellow Americans, today in America, a teacher spent extra time with a student who needed it and did her part to lift America’s graduation rate to its highest levels in more than three decades.”
The slower echo of truth followed after I had already leapt from my couch, bound to the TV, and pressed the off-button. Even though the remote lay next to me on the sofa, the moment of revelation caused me to react faster than a twitch of my thumb on a remote control device.
Revelations are like that!
I knew it would be best to afterward read and study what was said about education without all the TV sounds and images and additional topics having their distractive impacts on me. It has taken me hours and hours of trying to calm down after this revelatory event.
Education excerpts from the address: “Five years ago we set out to change the odds for