Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Does Freedom of Speech end at the Principal’s Office? | EdCentrist

Does Freedom of Speech end at the Principal’s Office? | EdCentrist:

Does Freedom of Speech end at the Principal’s Office?

I’ve watched this video a few times, trying desperately to find any justifiable reason Newark officials suspended these school leaders. Unfortunately, I’ve yet to see anything that would call for such a serious disciplinary action. In fact, it’s quite scary to think that Newark officials suspended these dedicated school leaders for speaking out and defending their schools, staff, and students.
What’s going on in Newark? This strikes me as highly un-American. So much for freedom of speech!

Raising the (Dun)Bar?
Since August 2013, Dunbar Senior High School has received a great deal of public attention, and rightfully so. A historic DC high school with an important national legacy, Dunbar has long been a unique American institution. But, now that the new paint has dried, Dunbar is bracing for a new round of publicity. This time, … Continue reading →