Wednesday, January 29, 2014

1-29-14 Wait What?

Wait What?:

Malloy dishes students, parents and teachers in political maneuver
Earlier today, Governor Malloy had the opportunity to make a meaningful statement about whether he was willing to make a real commitment to Connecticut’s students, parents, teachers and our public schools. Instead he decided to stick with Commissioner Stefan Pryor and the education reform initiatives that are undermining Connecticut public schools. For more than two […]The post Malloy dishes stude

In bizarre political ploy: Malloy says Delay Teacher Evaluations; Set up task force on Common Core

With the 2014 gubernatorial election ten months away, Governor Dannel Malloy held a press conference yesterday that would have made Saturday Night Live or the satirical website, The Onion, proud. Malloy removed his blinders and took out his ear plugs long enough to announce that the unfair teacher evaluation system should be delayed until after […]The post In bizarre political ploy: Malloy says De

1-28-14 Wait What?
Wait What?: Commissioner Pryor and entourage are the biggest threat to Malloy’s Re-election…Considering Governor Dannel Malloy won the last gubernatorial election with less than 50% of the 1.2 million votes cast and his margin of victory was only 6,404 votes, virtually anything could cost him his re-election dreams. But forget the Republicans and their propensity to snatch defeat from the jaws of