Wednesday, January 29, 2014

1-29-14 @ The Answer Sheet

The Answer Sheet:

Education Department changes charter school lottery rules
The Education Department on Wednesday released new guidance that allows charter schools receiving federal funds to change their student admissions lotteries so that  low-income and educationally disadvantaged students can have more weight in an effort to create more integrated schools. Explaining the changes in this post are Richard D. Kahlenberg and Halley Potter, both of […]    
Civil rights hero launches ‘American Child’s Education Bill of Rights’
Calling modern school reform “catastrophically misguided and ineffective,” civil rights icon James Meredith is launching what he calls the American Child’s Education Bill of Rights, a 12-point declaration of obligations that he says the nation owes every public school child. The 80-year-old Meredith was the first black student to graduate from the University of Mississippi. […]    

Why snow days matter: Kids forced to sleep in schools because class wasn’t cancelled in time
Next time you think a school district is being overly cautious about cancelling school because of bad weather, remember this: Thousands of students in Georgia and Alabama were forced to spend the night  Tuesday in their schools — and some on buses — while their parents got stuck in traffic jams for more than 12 hours because […]    
1-28-14 @ The Answer Sheet
The Answer Sheet: The hype and reality of ‘school choice’In case you missed any of the endless streams of announcements, it’s National School Choice Week, and advocates are staging thousands of events across the country to talk it up. There is even a school choice train making a whistle-stop tour across the country for rallies and other such goings-on to draw attention to a movement that has been