Monday, January 27, 2014

1-27-14 Wait What?

Wait What?:

No one is above the law, not even Capital Prep Steve Perry (a re-cap)
The Hartford Board of Education will be holding its rescheduled board meeting tonight at the Journalism & Media Academy Magnet School which is located at 150 Tower Avenue in Hartford. The public may address the Hartford Board of Education at 5:30pm The executive session on Capital Prep Principal Steve Perry has not been re-scheduled. Considering […]The post No one is above the law, not even Ca

Paul Vallas Re-cap: A Trail of Destruction
Two weekend Wait, What? blog posts continue the task of revealing the Trail of Destruction that Paul Vallas leaves in his wake. First up is the special education debacle.  Despite repeated warnings that his “initiative” to reduce special education costs would not only violate federal and state laws but would be disastrous for Bridgeport children […]The post Paul Vallas Re-cap: A Trail of Destructi
Common Core costs up, instruction time down, Opt Out movement takes hold
When it comes to the implementation of the Common Core and its related Smarter Balanced Assessment (SBAC) testing frenzy, the tide is beginning to turn.  As a result of the policies being pushed by Governor Malloy and Education Commissioner Stefan Pryor, massive amounts of school instruction time will give way to even more standardized test […]The post Common Core costs up, instruction time down,
1-26-14 Wait What? All Week
Wait What?: The Paul Vallas Legacy: “Bridgeport systematically violated special education laws”Paul Vallas hasn’t even left Bridgeport…In fact; the taxpayers of Connecticut and Bridgeport are picking up his salary and benefits for another month… But his legacy is already becoming clear. Late last week, the Connecticut State Department of Education released a report blasting the Paul Vallas’ leader