Thursday, January 23, 2014

1-23-14 Fred Klonsky | Daily posts from a retired public school teacher

Fred Klonsky | Daily posts from a retired public school teacher who is just looking at the data.:


The Über-Charter Commission.
  Graphic: Fred Klonsky The actions by the CPS board in considering 17 charter applications and rejecting 10 is the old Rahm bait-and-switch game. Prior to closing 50 neighborhood schools last summer, Rahm had the board draw up a list of 300 that he threatened to close. But even the seven approved charters are a mix of crony real estate deals and unneeded facilities at a time when existing charte

Chicago Teachers Union on the CPS charter vote.
CHICAGO – Today, Chicago Teachers Union President (CTU) Karen Lewis said the decision by the Chicago Board of Education to approve seven new charter schools is hypocritical in the face of recent school closings and only further illustrates the predatory corporate-led agenda currently waged on public schools. She said today’s vote to approve seven new publicly-funded, privately held charter operat
EdNext interview with Dan Biss. Annotated by Glen Brown.
  Glen Brown. EdNext is a right-wing journal from the Hoover Institute. They published an interview with State Senator Dan Biss, leader of the Illinois attack on public employee pensions. For those who think the attack on public employee (including teachers) is a local parochial issue for Illinois, or who somehow think it is not part of the corporate attack on public schools, the attention those

1-22-14 Fred Klonsky | Daily posts from a retired public school teacher
Fred Klonsky | Daily posts from a retired public school teacher who is just looking at the data.: Fighting Rahm and The Hawk to stop Chicago charters.  Sue Sadlowski Garza, Kristine Mayle, Sarah Chambers and Nathan Goldbaum pull an all-nighter outside CPS HQ. The Polar Vortex is rolling through Chicago again and the temperature dropped to minus four degrees last night. But that didn’t keep parents