Thursday, January 2, 2014

1-2-14 Wait What?

Wait What?:

As schools scramble to get children home safe, Steve Perry Tweets about Bacon Bowls
When the weather related “early dismissal” warning notice is sent out from the superintendent’s office, school principals across Connecticut kick into high gear.  This is especially true for principals at magnet schools that must deal with complex bus schedules that need to get children home to multiple communities and principals who oversee schools with younger […]The post As schools scramble to

Bridgeport pro-public education uprising makes top 10 list of 2013
AlterNet is “an award-winning news magazine and online community that creates original journalism and amplifies the best of hundreds of other independent media sources.” Alternet reporter Owen Davis produced a list of the “10 Big Wins For Public Education in 2013.” The pro-public education uprising in Bridgeport that included the defeat of Bridgeport Mayor Bill […]The post Bridgeport pro-public ed
1-1-14 Wait What?
Wait What?: From Diane Ravitch: The Best of 2013: The Great Awakening about the Status QuoAmerica’s leading public education advocate has written a series of blog posts as we leave 2013 and move into the New Year. Her wisdom, perception, courage and conviction continue to inspire tens of thousands of teachers, parents, public education advocates and citizens across the country … and with each pass