Friday, January 17, 2014

1-17-14 Ed Notes Online

Ed Notes Online:

PS 106 Update: Retired Teacher Writes to Farina About Principal Marcella Sills' Leadership
When will Farina end the misery? If this were about teachers they would be out of there in the blink of an eye. Let me point out once again, that this information has been out there for many years and the NY Post missed it -- until their pals BloomKleinCott were gone. And by the way, that licensed librarian who put so much into the library and the school and was a wonderful teachers is a friend of

1-16-14 Ed Notes Online
Ed Notes Online: Leonie on MSNBC On Why Charters Should Pay RentMy appearance on MSNBC and Daily News oped: Why de Blasio is right to charge rent to co-located charters: A  shortened version of the oped below is published in today's Daily News; along with the StudentsFirst opposing view. Also below is my brief appearance Saturday on Melissa Harris-Perry Show  on MSNBC. --Leonie HaimsonDuring his c