Thursday, January 16, 2014

1-16-14 Perdido Street School

Perdido Street School:

National Review: Common Core Rebellion Gaining Steam
Good piece at NRO from Lance T. Izumi, senior director of education studies at the Pacific Research Institute, on the Common Core rebellion:When federal and state-government elites quietly combined to enact the Common Core national education standards, they thought that the train had left the station and that this radical reordering of American public education was an over-and-done deal. They thou

Andrew Cuomo To Run For Re-Election As A Republican
Governor Andrew M. Cuomo stunned his audience at a speaking enggagement at the Harvard Club today when he announced he will be running for re-election as a Republican.Cuomo, speaking to a sparse group of financiers and GOP powerbrokers including John Catsimatidis, the supermarket magnate who ran for mayor in the NYC Republican primary last year, said that he has decided to dispense with the sham o

Sen. Lee Zelden: "Our Students Are Not Guinea Pigs...Delay The Common Core"
From Newsday:State Sen. Lee Zeldin (R-Shirley) wants to delay implementing tough, new academic standards known as the Common Core, calling its rollout "terribly executed."The education program, adopted by 45 states and the District of Columbia, was created with the goal of better preparing students for college and the workforce.But thousands of Long Island parents told state education le

Why The UFT Will Probably Back Cuomo
James Eterno at ICEUFT today:Michael Bloomberg, the anti-public education mayor, has left office after twelve years where he almost destroyed our public schools.  An anti-public education, anti-worker governor of New York State, Andrew Cuomo, is up for reelection later this year.  On Wednesday at the UFT Delegate Assembly, I introduced a resolution for the UFT to outright reject any possible Cuomo
There Needs To Be A Moreland Commission To Investigate Andrew Cuomo
Sheriff Andy used the Moreland Commission as a bludgeon against the Legislature, saying in effect it is a cesspool of corruption where private interests hand over campaign donations (or bribes) and get favors and/or policies in return.But take a look at how much money Cuomo takes in, just where he takes it from and who gets favors in return:ALBANY – He may be promoting a taxpayer-funded campaign s
Governor Cuomo On The Take
Capital Confidential:Gov. Andrew M. Cuomo has filed its six-month report with the Board of Elections, which is due today. The raw numbers:Opening Balance: $27,811,546.11Total Receipts: $7,019,967.87Total Expenses: $1,507,972.95Total On Hand (End of Period): $33,323,541.03Whomp! By way of comparison, consider Cuomo’s previous five January filings:2009: $5.6 million2010: $16.1 million2011: $4.2 mill
1-15-14 Perdido Street School
Perdido Street School: Bruce Springsteen Sings The "Governor Christie Traffic Jam"by reality-based edu... / 17min Eva Moskowitz's "Middle East War"Rachel Monahan and Ben Chapman in a piece about Eva Moskowitz and her charter school company have this doozy: For eight years, she’s been the lightning rod of the charter movement, raising millions from hedge funders and foundations