Wednesday, January 15, 2014

1-15-14 Perdido Street School

Perdido Street School:

Fort Lee Teachers Union Calls For Christie Ally To Apologize To Fort Lee Children
A statement from the Fort Lee Education Association:The Fort Lee Education Association is deeply offended by the disparaging remarks made about our students by David Wildstein, the childhood friend of Governor Chris Christie who worked at the Port Authority of New York and New Jersey. When members of the Christie Administration callously created a traffic nightmare in our community, Mr. Wildstein

Quinnipiac Poll Finds Most New Jersey Voters Believe Christie Is Not A Bully
From Political Wire:A new Quinnipiac poll finds New Jersey voters believe Gov. Chris Christie (R) is more of a leader than a bully by a 54% to 40% margin -- one of his lowest "bully" scores since the question was first asked in 2010.In addition, voters who have heard about the George Washington Bridge controversy say by 66% to 22% that the governor did not personally order the traffic ja

Eva Moskowitz's "Middle East War"
Rachel Monahan and Ben Chapman in a piece about Eva Moskowitz and her charter school company have this doozy: For eight years, she’s been the lightning rod of the charter movement, raising millions from hedge funders and foundations as she aggressively worked her close connections to the Bloomberg administration to take over space in public schools. She has compared that battle for space to a “Mid
1-14-14 Perdido Street School
Perdido Street School: Did Merryl Tisch Just Refuse To Back John King?Dunno, maybe I'm just cynical, but what I didn't hear in these Tisch statements sounds louder to me than what I did hear:ALBANY—State Board of Regents chancellor Merryl Tisch won't “dignify” a response to whether she supports state education commissioner John King, calling a statewide teachers' union's plan to take a no-confiden