Wednesday, January 15, 2014

1-15-14 Fred Klonsky | Daily posts from a retired public school teacher

Fred Klonsky | Daily posts from a retired public school teacher who is just looking at the data.:

USA Today: 7 scams retirees too often fall for. No. Make that 8 scams.
USA Today today ran a an article on the front page of their USA Today Money section: 7 scams retirees to often fall for. But, you know USA Today. They make all the news short. Sometimes shorter than they should. Take the 7 scams: 1. Never pay for anything you didn’t order. 2. Someone calls claiming to be a grandchild asking for money. 3. Scam charities asking for cash. 4. Computer scams claiming

Andy Velez and the generosity of Bruce Rauner.
From the Beachwood Reporter. Andy was a sophomore. He played left field. Couldn’t hit much but he could go after a fly ball with dexterity, and as my leadoff man, he walked frequently and could steal a base. He also lived right across the street from the school in the 4500 block of West Wrightwood. If Andy was late to a game or practice, which was infrequently, I could always knock on his front do

The Trib’s Eric Zorn. “Bruce Rauner is generous.”
From Mike Klonsky’s blog: No surprise here. It’s the Trib’s Eric Zorn. He identifies with the Republican billionaire’s clout problems. I didn’t have to play that game with my elder son, who easily tested into Payton in 2004, but I can’t blame many of those who did. “Nothin’ wrong” with asking for a favor, after all, when favors were going to be doled out anyway.  Was it seemly for Bruce Raune
Remembering Dr. King on his birthday.
I posted this a year ago on Dr. King’s birthday. Tomorrow starts my second year of teaching uke to K-1 students in the same Chicago public school. Our first song will be, “This Little Light of Mine.” My latest retirement project is volunteer teaching ukulele to a mixed kindergarten and first grade class at a public school in Chicago’s Little Village. Once a week on a Monday for about an hour. More
1-14-14 Fred Klonsky | Daily posts from a retired public school teacher
Fred Klonsky | Daily posts from a retired public school teacher who is just looking at the data.: Real world math.“I do not understand your last post.  How do you figure the $10.00,” writes a friend about my assertion that SB1 means $10 an hour for retirees. That’s Squeezy’s proposal for a minimum wage. Let me do the real world math. If the average retiree is getting $48,000 a year now, what will