Tuesday, January 14, 2014

1-14-14 Perdido Street School

Perdido Street School:

Shelly Silver Backs John King, Says He "Has Confidence" In Merryl Tisch
So much for relying on the Legislature to put a stop to the ravages being caused by the SED/Regents reform agenda:Assembly Speaker Sheldon Silver told reporters in Albany on Tuesday there should be a slower implementation of the Common Core standards, but declined to say if there should be a legislative fix to its issues. Rather, the speaker said he is waiting to see the implementation recommendat
Surprise, Surprise - Cuomo's Ed Reform Committee Calls For Cuomo's Preferred Reforms
From Jessica Bakeman at Capital NY:A panel of education experts recommended expanding pre-kindergarten, boosting technology in schools and rewarding high-performing teachers with financial incentives in a long-awaited report commissioned by Governor Andrew Cuomo.Cuomo designed his education priorities last year and this year based on the commission's recommendations. The final report is four month

Christie Calls For Longer School Days, Longer School Year
From Capital NY:Christie, addressing the 216th session of the legislature in the Assembly Chambers of the State House in Trenton, will argue that despite improvements in the troubled schools of Newark and Camden, the state needs to take bigger and broader steps to adjust its approach to K-12 education to address the new competitive world. He’ll say that the school calendar is antiquated, both educ

Did Merryl Tisch Just Refuse To Back John King?
Dunno, maybe I'm just cynical, but what I didn't hear in these Tisch statements sounds louder to me than what I did hear:ALBANY—State Board of Regents chancellor Merryl Tisch won't “dignify” a response to whether she supports state education commissioner John King, calling a statewide teachers' union's plan to take a no-confidence vote against him “politics” and a “sideshow.” At a Regents meeting

1-13-14 Perdido Street School
Perdido Street School: Again I Ask, Why No Blame For Bloomberg And Walcott?The Post does another story on horror school PS 106 this morning:Kids at Queens’ notorious “School of No” have been forced to pay for a bizarre fifth-grade party at which their principal makes them dress up as little brides and grooms, The Post has learned — as the DOE announce that it would probe conditions at the school.