Sunday, December 8, 2013

Will the Common Core be the Rosetta Stone for Corporate Reform? - Living in Dialogue - Education Week Teacher

Will the Common Core be the Rosetta Stone for Corporate Reform? - Living in Dialogue - Education Week Teacher:

Will the Common Core be the Rosetta Stone for Corporate Reform?

 In the year 1799, a French soldier discovered an ancient stone in Egypt that had been inscribed with a royal proclamation in the year 196 BC, in three languages; Ancient Greek, Demotic, and 
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Ancient Egyptian hieroglyphs. The same text in all three languages allowed scholars to crack the code of the Egyptian hieroglyphs, and since then, the term "Rosetta Stone"  has come to signify a means by which hidden codes are uncovered. The Common Core has become a Rosetta Stone for understanding how corporate education reform is reshaping public education.
Millions of parents across the country are starting to become concerned, as they see test scores in states on the leading edge of Common Core implementation plummet. Officials have greeted this failure with strange satisfaction, clearlyhaving known that this would be the result of the new system they put in place.  Parents start out puzzled by this behavior, but when they investigate, here is what they are discovering:
  1. There is a powerful engine of "reform" at work in the "venture philanthropy" of the Gates Foundation, which has sponsored the development, adoption and implementation of the Common Core, spending close to $200 million so far on the project. While every Common Core web site claims that the standards were "authored by states," those who inquire learn that the standards were written by a small groupof individuals affiliated with a handful of non-profits funded by the Gates Foundation. 
  2. The US Department of Education is operating in close cooperation with the