Friday, December 20, 2013

UPDATE: Common Core Unrest in 22 States | deutsch29

UPDATE: Common Core Unrest in 22 States | deutsch29:

UPDATE: Common Core Unrest in 22 States

December 20, 2013

On November 23, 2013, I wrote a post briefly detailing the 17 states in which officials (legislators, governors, state superintendents) have formally registered some anti-Common Core (CCSS) intention (e.g., legislation, resolution).
Today I will repost the original 17 states and add another 5, to yield now 22 states in which CCSS questioning might well lead to its restriction (as in the CCSS assessments’ being delayed or canceled) or its demise.
Some of the information listed happened prior to my previous posting. I only just became aware of two anti-CCSS resolutions passed this summer, so I included those in this post.
CCSS was not democratically vetted prior to 45 governors and state superintendents (and let us not forget the District of Columbia) signing to accept it.
No legislative vote was required for CCSS acceptance as far as President Obama and US Secretary of Education Duncan were concerned. Just two signatures sealed the deal for a state to agree to the inflexible (and at the time of signing, possiblyunfinished) CCSS as part of  Race to the Top (RTTT).
In order to coerce states into agreeing to this “state-led initiative,” the federal