Sunday, December 8, 2013

Thunderclap: Reclaim the Promise

Thunderclap: Reclaim the Promise:

Reclaim the Promise
“Reclaim the Promise of Public Education: Our Schools, Our Solutions! #ReclaimPublicEd
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Reclaim the Promise
In October, parents, students, teachers, school staff, community organizations, labor unions, civil rights advocates and faith leaders met in Los Angeles and together endorsed "The Principles That Unite Us." Now, on Dec. 9, we're taking action around the country as part of a National Day of Action to Reclaim the Promise of Public Education: Our Schools, Our Solutions. We're uniting around a common vision for our schools. 
We want great neighborhood public schools that are fully funded and are centers of our community, with wraparound services and an engaging curriculum that focuses on teaching and learning, not testing. 
Together, we can reclaim public education as a propeller of our economy, an anchor of our democracy, and a gateway to opportunity for every child