Friday, December 6, 2013

Stand for Children Louisiana: Teachers “Like” Common Core | deutsch29

Stand for Children Louisiana: Teachers “Like” Common Core | deutsch29:

Stand for Children Louisiana: Teachers “Like” Common Core

December 5, 2013

It is very important to privatizing interests to promote the Common Core State Standards (CCSS). After all, there is a lot of money to be made in attendant curriculum development, and assessments, and data collection.
Of course, those pushing CCSS cannot state as much directly. So, they offer lies, such as CCSS’s preparing students for future employment that will surely require college, or that the entire spectrum of reforms– CCSS included– are necessary “to fully support student learning.”
CCSS proponents are also keen on another vehicle for CCSS promotion: the survey.
The Survey as a CCSS Propaganda Vehicle
Propaganda is necessary in order to promote the image of stakeholder buy-in to CCSS. What better “proof” of CCSS acceptance than a survey demonstrating that an “overwhelming” proportion of teachers embraces CCSS with open arms?
I have examined the results of three such surveys. First was the American Federation of Teachers (AFT) survey and its massaged reporting of “overwhelming” teacher support for CCSS. Then came the National Education Association’s (NEA) similarly slanted massage in proclaiming that its members “strongly support” CCSS. Finally comes the carefully fashioned ”early release” of the Gates/Scholastic survey, which allows for CCSS to “be positive for most students.” Just leave the stragglers behind.
(Incidentally,  AFT, NEA, and Scholastic have all taken millions in Gates money earmarked for CCSS.)
Now, I offer you a survey specific to Louisiana: The freshly released carefully-shaped Stand for Children (SFC) Louisiana survey on CCSS implementation. However, SFC is